No Legal Advice
LeonardPatel PC makes the information available on this Website for informational purposes only. Any information contained on this Website is not intended to be and does not constitute legal advice. The information provided on this Website may not apply to your particular facts or circumstances; therefore, you should seek legal counsel prior to relying on any information that may be found on this Website. Furthermore, information provided on this Website may not reflect the most recent developments in the law and may not be applicable in your particular jurisdiction. Therefore, you should not act on any of the information contained on this Website until you obtain legal counsel from a qualified individual in your jurisdiction.
No Attorney-Client Relationship
LeonardPatel has established procedures in place for accepting representation of a new client and establishing an attorney-client relationship, which include obtaining a signed copy of an engagement letter and clearing conflicts in accordance with the rules of professional ethics in each jurisdiction in which we operate. Therefore, if you submit an unsolicited email or other communication or information to LeonardPatel via this Website, understand that no attorney-client relationship is created. Because no attorney-client relationship is created in these instances, any such communications are not considered confidential.